Welcome to Cypress Chapel Christian Church - 1891 Cypress Chapel Rd. Suffolk VA 23434
Welcome to Cypress Chapel Christian Church - 1891 Cypress Chapel Rd. Suffolk VA 23434
The beauty and serenity of Cypress Chapel Cemetery can only be sustained through proper maintenance. Adherence to the following floral regulations enable us to serve you.
Cypress Chapel Cemetery offers no warranty or responsibility for the loss of flowers due to vandalism or forces of nature. Nor do we offer any warranty or responsibility for any loss or damage of flowers, trinkets and flags due to any reason such as weed-edging, wind, grass cutting, weather, theft, child's play or vandalism.
At any time of the year, fresh cut or artificial flowers may be placed on the grave at the headstone only. Any floral arrangement will be removed when it becomes discolored, wilted, or reasonably inappropriate or unsightly.
Funeral flowers, holders, containers, baskets and vases will be left on the site for five (5) days after the funeral service. These items will be removed as soon as possible after this time frame unless burial schedules or forces of nature do not permit prompt removal.
Glass containers and candles are not permitted at any time. Statues, porcelain or plastic figures, ceramic ware, balloons and decorative items such as wind chimes and birdhouses are only permitted on the headstone.
Other than at the time of burial, wreaths, easels, potted plants and baskets are not permitted. Special days and holidays are listed below with the time frame for placement and removal of special flowers:
Valentine's Day Memorial Day Veteran's Day
Mother's Day Father's Day Thanksgiving
Flowers for the above holidays will be removed thirty (30) days after the special day.
Easter Season- A two-week time frame is allowed for Easter flowers. Only potted lilies are allowed one week before Easter and will be removed one week after Easter.
Christmas Season- Christmas flowers, such as potted poinsettia and wreaths are allowed beginning the day after Thanksgiving and will be removed on the 15th day of the following February.
It is our responsibility to be good stewards of the grounds and safeguard the health and welfare of every worker at the cemetery, as well as every visitor to Cypress Chapel Cemetery. Thank you for selecting Cypress Chapel Cemetery. We are proud that you have selected us, and we are working hard to make sure you are proud of your cemetery.